
Social Gatherings and Small Groups

Various social events are held throughout the year. Some of these events have included:

  • pancake breakfasts
  • pot-luck suppers and luncheons
  • picnics and barbecues
  • strawberry festivals
  • theater trips
  • craft fairs
  • book discussions
  • marching in the Patchogue Lion’s
    4th of July parade
  • spaghetti dinners prepared by the youth group
  • St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Check the calendar for upcoming events!

Sunday Coffee Hour

Coffee, tea and refreshments are served in the fellowship hall each Sunday after the 10:00 worship service. All are welcome! Stop in for a cup of coffee and a chance to meet some new friends.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA)welcalogo

The women of WELCA host various gatherings during the year. We share activities, food, fellowship and we have good times, but we’re much more than a social club. The women of WELCA organize many projects at Our Savior’s that benefit our local community as well as global missions.

At the heart of WELCA is our circles. We have several small groups of women that get together monthly at church or at members homes to share Bible study and fellowship.  All women of Our Savior’s are welcome and encouraged to join one of these Friendship Circles.

More about the WELCA at Our Savior’s.

Youth Grouplyologo

Students in Middle and High School are welcome to join our Youth Group. Various events are planned throughout the year providing opportunities for our young people to spend time together, establish friendships and participate in a variety of activities with their peers.

Craft Guildknit

Also known as “The Lunch Bunch”, this group meets at the church each Tuesday from Noon to 2 p.m. to share crafting tips and create handmade items.

The craft guild produces handmade items for charitable distribution or for sale for the benefit of charitable organizations. Coffee is served and participants bring a bag lunch.

Boy Scouts of America

Pastor Claire is pleased to say that the Lutheran Church of Our Savior serves as sponsoring organization for BSA Pack and Troop 47.

Cub Scout Pack 47 meets in the Fellowship Hall Monday nights from 6-7:30 PM.

Boy Scout Troop 47 meets at Emmanuel Lutheran Church due to space constraints. The troop joins us in Patchogue’s annual 4th of July Parade carrying flags and serving as color guard.

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