Sunday School

The Sunday School program is for children age 3 through grade 6 and takes place as a “Children’s Church” session during morning worship on an every-other-week basis (please check the calendar). After participating in the beginning of worship and hearing the bible lessons for the day, children are invited up to hear a children’s lesson from Pastor Claire, then welcomed to the back fellowship hall for more age-appropriate activities and play. They return to worship to receive communion with their families. 

A creative team of teachers helps the children explore themes and stories from the Bible, as well as completing crafts. 

Children’s church activities help children explore Old and New Testament stories of faith. A variety of learning methods are used including, art, science, drama, games, and cooking. Children’s church times are creative and fun learning environments and we plan lots of great learning experiences through the year.

If you have any questions at any time about the children’s church program please do not hesitate to call the church office at (631) 475-5725 or e-mail the church secretary at