Life is full of wonder and mystery. LCOS was born out of a desire to support one another as we take on the twists and turns of life. In addition to the blessings of worship and fellowship in the daily life of the church, Pastor Claire is delighted to accompany church members, community members, and friends through spiritual direction and ritual for all stages of life and death.
We welcome people of all ages, infant through adult, into God’s family and into God’s kingdom through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Pastor Claire invites families to participate in an educational session before the date of their baptism. If you would like to plan a baptism, please contact the church office to set up an appointment with the pastor.
LCOS rejoices in love in all of its expressions and embraces couples of any age, previous marital status, gender identity or sexual orientation to be blessed in marriage here. Pastor Claire offers counseling and liturgical planning to engaged couples. Couples interested in a wedding at the church should contact the church office no less than six months in advance of the wedding date to set up an appointment with the pastor and Worship Committee Steward.
Pastor Claire provides members who have lost a loved one with guidance for funeral preparation, bereavement counseling, and the use of the church for a service. She also works closely with local funeral homes to offer worship as needed. If you need help designing an appropriate funeral for a loved one, please contact the church office to set up an appointment with the pastor.
Pastoral Care and Counseling
As a caring community we seek to share God’s love and support each other through difficult days. Pastor Claire is always available as needed to listen, to provide prayer, and to offer guidance about spiritual practices. For pastoral care, please contact the church office to set up an appointment with the pastor.
Eucharistic Ministry
Holy Communion is brought to members who are homebound or ill by our Deacons and Pastor. If you know someone who is in need of visitation or Holy Communion, please write to to schedule a visit.