At LCOS, our practices of communion follow the theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We understand that there are two sacraments, Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. (We might also know the holy meal of Communion as the Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, the Sacrament of the Altar, or Divine Liturgy, but they all mean the same thing.) We believe communion is a holy meal because the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ are truly present in the communion meal through the bread and wine.
The presence of Christ in the meal is a holy mystery that we observe with reverence. Only ordained pastors may bless the bread and wine for use as a Sacrament. Repeating the same words that Christ spoke to his disciples at the Last Supper each time we receive communion, we have faith that Christ comes to us week by week to physically nourish us and forgive us, that we might more openly experience God’s freely given grace.
Everyone who desires communion is welcome to receive it at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior. Because the invitation to this meal comes from Christ and IS Christ, we are happy to share it with anyone who seeks its nourishment. Each week we offer bread in the form of a wafer (both glutinous and gluten-free options available) as well as wine or white grape juice. Children who have not yet received communion or adults who, for any reason, wish not to partake may receive a blessing from the Pastor. If you have any concerns or questions, please email
First Communion
First communion is a wonderful ritual that helps children grasp some of the mystery of this special church sacrament. Formal preparation for First Communion is not a requirement, but rather a tradition of the church that welcomes children into theological knowledge of the Sacrament appropriate to their age level.
First Communion preparation may be offered to children in the congregation when the child, their parents, and the Pastor agree that they are ready. Students who take First Communion classes with Pastor will discover what communion means for them personally, why we practice communion every week, and what God shows us through this practice. To begin the process of preparing your child for First Communion, please email